
AOT and Community Mental Health training modules:

Engagement: Vital Components within Community Behavioral Health for people on Assisted Outpatient Treatment Orders

Presented by: Dr. Debra A. Pinals, M.D. (Medical Director for Behavioral Health and Forensic Programs, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Even with court ordered assisted outpatient treatment, engaging people in their treatment is a vital component in the provision of care. Community Mental Health plays an essential role in keeping people engaged in care. Learn more about engagement from Dr. Debra A. Pinals, Medical Director for Behavioral Health and Forensic Programs for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

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Community Mental Health requirements for assisted outpatient treatment

Presented by: Sojourner Jones (Community and Law Enforcement Liaison, Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network)

Community Mental Health agencies are, by statue, the responsible party for engaging members on assisted outpatient treatment orders in mental health treatment outside inpatient settings. During this training, Sojourner Jones of Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network presents the basics of CMH requirements and considerations for AOT.

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What CMH and CMH contracted clinicians need to know

Community mental health agencies are, by statue, the responsible party for engaging members on assisted outpatient treatment orders in mental health treatment outside inpatient settings. CMH and CMH contracted clinicians can watch this training to learn what you need to know to determine whether a client is appropriate or AOT, what the benefits might be, and how to start the process for obtaining AOT orders.

Presentation slides


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