Assisted outpatient treatment orders and Community Mental Health providers
9:00 - 10:00 am
What is assisted outpatient treatment (AOT)? What are the responsibilities of the CMH for an AOT order? What services are required? How do we start an AOT program? How is an AOT different from an ATO?
This webinar focuses on AOT and Mental Health providers. Genesee County's AOT Supervisor, Jenny Kimmel, shares how Genesee started their successful AOT program, highlighting practical steps, processes they've developed and lessons learned. Wayne County's Sojourner Jones dives into the importance of deferral conferences, coordination and communication, and tips for testifying in probate court.
Jenny Kimmel
AOT Supervisor, Genesee Health System
Sojourner Jones
Community/Law Enforcement Liaison, Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network
Facilitated by:
Nicole Gilbert
Jail Diversion Initiative Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice