CBHJ develops support teams for jail clinicians across the state

The COVID-19 crisis has further emphasized the need for jail clinicians to connect and share innovative practices. In response, the Wayne State School of Social Work Center for Behavioral Health and Justice (CBHJ) is launching Jail Clinical Support Teams to support jail clinicians involved in the CBHJ's Jail Diversion, Stepping Up, Opioid Treatment Ecosystem, and MI-REP initiatives across the state. The CBHJ is also excited to welcome jail clinicians from communities not yet engaged in one of these initiatives.

Jail clinicians have unique roles within the local criminal justice system - a role that can isolate them in the jail setting and from their provider agency. They are tasked with navigating relationships between consumers, law enforcement, jail medical staff, courts, and CMH staff where goals may not be compatible. Other clinical positions have more defined roles, responsibilities, and funding. Outside of case coordination calls and periodic conferences, jail clinicians do not have a way to connect with each other to share ideas, best practices, and lessons learned in their work.

The CBHJ has formed six regional support teams, each facilitated by a CBHJ Project Coordinator who understands that particular region. Meetings will be held virtually in order to ensure easy access for clinicians. Topics will cover both clinical and macro issues such as COVID-19 Responses, Telehealth Status and Challenges, Dealing with Inmate Behavioral Issues, and Case Coordination Strategies. Participation in the support teams is absolutely free and voluntary. If you know a jail clinician who would be interested in participating, please ask that they contact Laine Putans at laine.putans@wayne.edu. Download the flyer for more information.

About the Center for Behavioral Health and Justice: The Center for Behavioral Health and Justice and Wayne State University's School of Social Work envisions communities in which research, data, and best practices are used by multiple stakeholders to enhance the optimal well-being of individuals with mental illness and/or substance use disorders who come into contact with the criminal/legal system. Learn more

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