CBHJ team presents findings at Community Mental Health Association's Spring Conference

The Center for Behavioral Health and Justice partnered with HealthWest in Muskegon County to bring attendees at the Community Mental Health Association's Spring Conference up to date on jail diversion efforts across the state. The Center's deputy director, Liz Tillander, and project coordinator, Nanci Hambrick, partnered with Heather Weigand of HealthWest in Muskegon to discuss the the prevalence rate, risk factors, and demographic of those with mental illness in jails across the state. The presentation also focused on Stepping Up, a national initiative and collaboration of the National Association of Counties, Council of State Governments, and American Psychiatric Association to reduce the number of individuals with mental illnesses in jails. In Michigan, 19 counties have endorsed the Stepping Up initiative and, through grant funding from Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, are eligible to receive free technical assistance from the Center to effectively implement the spirit of the initiative. Muskegon County endorsed its Stepping Up resolution in 2015 and was the first county to benefit from the technical assistance. Ms. Weigand spoke about the challenges and successes experienced in Muskegon County's continued efforts to improve jail diversion efforts.

Learn more about how CBHJ works with Stepping Up communities around Michigan.

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