Assisted outpatient treatment impacts and opportunities for hospital emergency departments
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sean Field, Ph.D
Clinical Director, Summit Pointe, Calhoun County
Facilitator: Scott Smith, Ph.D.
Consultant, Center for Behavioral health and Justice
Jenny Kimmel
AOT Supervisor, Genesee Health System, Genesee County
Sojourner Jones
Community/Law Enforcement Liaison, Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network, Wayne County
This webinar discusses the ways assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) may be able to address several challenges facing emergency departments, including unreimbursed care, extended stays awaiting psychiatric placement, and high utilization by patients with serious mental illness. Participants gain familiarity with the AOT process and learn how straight-forward, low time-investment procedures can result in more efficient and humane treatment of patients with serious mental illness.
Scott Smith, Ph.D., CBHJ, provides a brief history of AOT in Michigan while identifying challenges and opportunities for emergency departments. Joining the discussion are hospital and community mental health representatives from Calhoun, Genesee, and Wayne counties.
Although this webinar is focused on addressing questions and concerns of hospital emergency departments, we encourage individuals, clinicians, and others engaged in system of care to watch to learn more and ask questions.
Do you have a question about hospitals and AOT? Submit your question and we will do our best to include it in the Q&A discussion.