
AOT and law enforcement training modules:

Serious mental illness and assisted outpatient treatment for law enforcement

Headshot of Judge Milt MackPresented by: 
Scott Smith, Ph.D.
Consultant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice

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This training, presented by Scott Smith, is designed to provide law enforcement officers with an overview of serious mental illness, the basics of assisted outpatient treatment (AOT), and how AOT can help law enforcement officers in working with civilians in mental distress.

Why assisted outpatient treatment matters to law enforcement

headshot of Scott SmithPresented by: 
Scott Smith, Ph.D.
Consultant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice

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This training, presented by Scott Smith, is designed to inform law enforcement officers about the benefits of assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) and why it matters to law enforcement officers.

How to complete a petition and when is assisted outpatient treatment appropriate for law enforcement officers

Presented by: 
Scott Smith, Ph.D.
Consultant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice

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In this training, Scott Smith, Ph.D. draws from his experience as a reserve police officer and a mental health clinician to talk about when assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) (aka Kevin’s Law) is an appropriate tool for law enforcement, who is eligible, how to complete a petition, and key information to share with the community about the process. 


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