Megan Porath
Megan is a current Master's of Social Work student at Wayne State University living in Detroit. Prior to her entry into the field of social work, she had a variety of professional experiences in financial services, nonprofit financial counseling, housing, literacy coaching, teaching, and information technology. In all her roles, she has been committed to advocating for and empowering underserved and marginalized people from many backgrounds. Her focus within the master's program’s Interpersonal Practice track is to explore holistic approaches to wellness while also engaging with the Holistic Defense program to engage in social justice work within the criminal legal system.
Megan is a Project Coordinator for the Federal Grants initiative. She serves as a liaison within counties across Michigan, navigating relationships between systems and county partners - including community organizations, community mental health, other government departments, and officials - as well as data collection, analysis, and ongoing collaboration and coordination. She is also engaged in developing a new professional development and capacity building initiative for team members to support the work of the CBHJ.
Degrees and Certifications
- B.A., English, Michigan Technological University