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December 2021Crisis event dispositions following a crisis response team interventionBetween January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2019, the CRT self-dispatched to mental/behavioral health-related 9-1-1 calls. Most CRT events involved persons who were White, male, and an average of 39.3 years old. Most crises were mental health, followed by self-harm, and substance use. Events were generally resolved at the scene; over a quarter resulted in immediate detention, followed by voluntary transport, and arrest. Crisis type was a significant predictor of event dispositions. Homelessness was also a significant predictor of arrest.Harm reductionCrisis responsePublication
November 2021Opioid use disorder in Michigan JailsJails are a critical prevention touchpoint to slow the overdose epidemic. Center for Behavioral Health and Justice research shows that over a 3-year period, nearly 20% of all community overdose deaths were people who had been incarcerated. Between July and September of 2020, four Michigan jails implemented OUD Screening and MOUD treatment programs. 14% screened positive for an OUD.Treatment ecosystemsPolicy brief
November 2021COVID-19 testing for justice-involved personsThis video aims at debunking common myths and stigmas among justice-involved persons and COVID-19. Ultimately, this video seeks to help jails implement COVID-19 safety guidelines and ultimately reduce the spread of COVID-19 in jails and beyond.OtherAnimation
November 2021COVID-19 vaccine information for justice-involved peopleThis video aims to explain some basics on how the COVID-19 vaccine works and encourage individuals who become involved with the justice system to get testing and/or vaccinated. Ultimately, this video seeks to help jails implement COVID-19 safety guidelines and ultimately reduce the spread of COVID-19 in jails and beyond.OtherAnimation
November 2021"What happens if I have COVID-19"? For justice-involved peopleWhat happens if you get COVID-19 and become involved in the justice system? This video aims at answering this question and debunk common myths and stigmas among justice-involved persons and COVID-19. Ultimately, this video seeks to help jails implement COVID-19 safety guidelines and ultimately reduce the spread of COVID-19 in jails and beyond.OtherAnimation
November 2021COVID-19 contact tracing and discharge planning for jail staff and leadershipThis video provides information about COVID-19 contact tracing and discharge planning for jail staff and leadership. Ultimately, this video seeks to help jails implement COVID-19 safety guidelines and ultimately reduce the spread of COVID-19 in jails and beyond.OtherAnimation
November 2021COVID-19 tests and vaccines for jail staff and leadershipThis video provides information about COVID-19 tests and vaccines for jail staff and leadership. Ultimately, this video seeks to help jails implement COVID-19 safety guidelines and ultimately reduce the spread of COVID-19 in jails and beyond.OtherAnimation
November 2021Jail Staff and Leadership: Why get tested for COVID-19?This video provides information about COVID-19 testing for jail staff and leadership. Ultimately, this video seeks to help jails implement COVID-19 safety guidelines and ultimately reduce the spread of COVID-19 in jails and beyond.OtherAnimation
November 2021Planning for the future, paying attention to the pastPresenters discussed COVID-19 mitigation strategy updates for those working in jail settings. Participants had the opportunity to engage in a question and answer discussion with criminal-legal, public health, community, and behavioral health experts.OtherVideo
November 2021Michigan Reentry Project (MIREP): Kent, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, and Wayne Counties 4- year evaluation reportThe aggregate report includes analyses on participant characteristics, service intensity patterns, and program outcomes to produce a comprehensive understanding of participants, program success, and areas for improvement. This report covers the first four years of the Michigan Reentry Project (MIREP) in Kent, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, and Wayne counties (May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2021ReentryReport