AOT Resource Library
One of the aims of this toolkit is to provide educational materials to all professionals within the AOT system of care, courts, mental health providers, hospital staff, individuals and law enforcement. Use the filters below to find AOT related resources geared towards specific audiences in various types of media.
March 2023Serious mental illness and assisted outpatient treatment for law enforcementThis training, presented by Scott Smith, is designed to provide law enforcement officers with an overview of serious mental illness, the basics of assisted outpatient treatment (AOT), and how AOT can help law enforcement officers in working with civilians in mental distress. This training is a part of the AOT toolkit. Visit to learn more.Law enforcementTraining
March 2023Serious mental ilness and assisted outpatient treatment for law enforcementThis training, presented by Scott Smith, is designed to provide law enforcement officers with an overview of serious mental illness, the basics of assisted outpatient treatment (AOT), and how AOT can help law enforcement officers in working with civilians in mental distress. This training is a part of the AOT toolkit. Visit to learn more.Law enforcementTraining
March 2023Why assisted outpatient treatment matters to law enforcementIn this webinar, Scott Smith from the Center for Behavioral Health and Justice explains the significant benefits of Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) for law enforcement. AOT, which involves court-ordered mental health treatment, has shown impressive results in states like New York, including reduced rates of psychiatric hospitalizations, homelessness, and substance use. The program also leads to substantial cost savings for the system and improves community safety by decreasing property crimes and mental health crisis calls. For law enforcement, AOT enhances officer safety by lowering injury rates and reducing the frequency of mental health-related call-outs.Law enforcementTraining
March 2023How to complete a petition and when is AOT appropriate for law enforcementIn this training, Scott Smith, Ph.D. draws from his experience as a reserve police officer and a mental health clinician to talk about when assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) (aka Kevin’s Law) is an appropriate tool for law enforcement, who is eligible, how to complete a petition, and key information to share with the community about the process. Use the chapters in this video to navigate the content, including specific instructions for each item in the petition.Law enforcementTraining
March 2023AOT and law enforcementWhat role do law enforcement agencies and officers play in AOT orders? Since AOT (also known as Kevin's Law) is a civil order, what are the responsibilities of officers regarding transport orders? How does AOT fit with Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training and other crisis response police work? Join us for a conversation with retired Deputy Chief Jim Grafton of Calhoun County and Sergeant Greg Howard of Genesee County to learn about their county's experience with AOT. This informative discussion was led by Scott Smith, Ph.D., and answered questions about AOT in real life practice.Law enforcementWebinar
March 2023Assisted outpatient treatment: A resource for familiesThis resource is a general overview of AOT for families and loved ones of those with serious mental illness (SMI). AOT is a civil court order for mental health treatment; it is a tool, not a specific type of mental health treatment. Adjustments can be made as needed, and each AOT case is different. This flyer walks families and advocates through eight steps from getting a petition to ending an order, and who in the AOT system of care plays a role in each step.Families and advocatesBrief
August 2022Engagement: Vital Components within Community Behavioral Health for people on Assisted Outpatient Treatment OrdersIn this video, Dr. Debra Pinals, Medical Director of Behavioral Health and Forensic Programs at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, emphasizes the critical role of engagement in Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT). She outlines how engagement with individuals under AOT orders is essential for their care, addressing challenges like maintaining treatment and preventing frequent hospitalizations. Dr. Pynels highlights the progress made in person-centered care, motivational interviewing, and integrating services, while acknowledging ongoing challenges and the importance of community mental health services. The video underscores that effective engagement goes beyond court orders and medication, involving a holistic, person-centered approach to support and recovery.Mental health providersTraining
August 2022Community mental health requirements for assisted outpatient treatmentIn the video presented by Sojourner Jones from the Detroit Wayne Integrative Health Network, viewers receive an overview of Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) in Michigan. The video details the various types of AOT orders, including hospitalization and outpatient options, and emphasizes the importance of timely submissions and ongoing engagement with community mental health agencies. It also highlights the responsibilities of Community Mental Health (CMH) providers in ensuring seamless transitions from inpatient settings and maintaining treatment continuity.Mental health providersTraining
August 2022What CMH and CMH contracted clinicians need to knowIn this video, Scott Smith, a consultant with the Center for Behavioral Health and Justice, provides an in-depth training on Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) for community mental health clinicians. He covers the eligibility criteria for AOT, including the need for treatment among individuals with serious mental illnesses or developmental disabilities who may lack insight into their condition. Smith explains the benefits of AOT, such as improved adherence to treatment and reduced hospitalizations, and discusses its cost-effectiveness and the process for initiating an AOT order. The training aims to equip clinicians with the knowledge needed to determine when AOT is appropriate and how to navigate its implementation effectively.Mental health providersTraining
August 2022Assisted outpatient treatment orders and community mental health providersThis webinar focuses on AOT and Mental Health providers. Genesee County's AOT Supervisor, Jenny Kimmel, shares how Genesee started their successful AOT program, highlighting practical steps, processes they've developed and lessons learned. Wayne County's Sojourner Jones dives into the importance of deferral conferences, coordination and communication, and tips for testifying in probate court.Mental health providersWebinar