News and Announcements
- Sheryl Kubiak named 2021 Mental Health Champion of the Year by the Mental Health Association in Michigan
- Wexford Co. Jail site of free naloxone vending machine (Cadillac News)
- CBHJ Newsletter (Fall 2021): Data landscape report, naloxone vending machines, and more
- Grand Rapids non-profit distributes free Narcan in vending machine (WZZM13 Grand Rapids)
- Jackson County achieves certification for gold standard of care for opioid addiction (Jackson County Legal News)
- The Impact of Community Mental Health on Michigan’s Jails
- Jackson County achieves certification for gold standard of care for opioid addiction
- Naloxone vending machines make life-saving medication easily available in Michigan jails and communities
- Center for Behavioral Health and Justice welcomes new staff and relocates to the School of Social Work
- Monroe County Jail achieves gold standard of medical care for opioid addiction
- ACE to hold discussion on recovery and reentry (Indianapolis Recorder)
- Comprehensive report illuminates gaps in Michigan’s criminal legal data and offers a roadmap to data integration
- COVID has hit jails hard, but this Wayne County-based collaboration is making them safer (Second Wave Media)
- Vermont, Rhode Island decriminalized a lifesaving opioid treatment. Should Massachusetts? (The Berkshire Eagle)
- "Just keep that person alive": Michigan's harm reduction strategies prevent opioid overdoses (Second Wave Michigan)
- Social Work Dean Sheryl Kubiak accepts appointment to Michigan Judicial Council
- Support Systems Instead of Jail for Mental Health Needs (Metro Parent)
- Oakland County's mental health services making an impact on isolated jail inmates (The Oakland Press)
- Social work licensure practice exam helps alum put classroom knowledge into macro system community action
- Monroe County Michigan In-Jail Medication-Assisted Drug Treatment Program Certified (Open Minds)
- County in-jail medication drug treatment effort certified (The Monroe News)
- CBHJ Newsletter (April 2021)
- Addressing the overdose epidemic by decriminalizing buprenorphine and reducing harm
- New data dashboard gives Michiganders access to data in one place for the first time
- CBHJ launches new Crisis Response initiative, managed by Leonard Swanson