News and Announcements
- Comprehensive report illuminates gaps in Michigan’s criminal legal data and offers a roadmap to data integration
- COVID has hit jails hard, but this Wayne County-based collaboration is making them safer (Second Wave Media)
- Vermont, Rhode Island decriminalized a lifesaving opioid treatment. Should Massachusetts? (The Berkshire Eagle)
- "Just keep that person alive": Michigan's harm reduction strategies prevent opioid overdoses (Second Wave Michigan)
- Social Work Dean Sheryl Kubiak accepts appointment to Michigan Judicial Council
- Support Systems Instead of Jail for Mental Health Needs (Metro Parent)
- Oakland County's mental health services making an impact on isolated jail inmates (The Oakland Press)
- Social work licensure practice exam helps alum put classroom knowledge into macro system community action
- Monroe County Michigan In-Jail Medication-Assisted Drug Treatment Program Certified (Open Minds)
- County in-jail medication drug treatment effort certified (The Monroe News)
- CBHJ Newsletter (April 2021)
- Addressing the overdose epidemic by decriminalizing buprenorphine and reducing harm
- Lansing police hired a social worker in 2019. She's changed they way they handle mental health calls (Fox 47 Lansing)
- Inside the effort to build trust in COVID vaccines (Boston Globe)
- CBHJ seeks to promote racial equity by examining the impact of legal fines and fees on people of color.
- City of Detroit program aims to employ returning citizens coming out of jail (WXYZ Detroit)
- CBHJ partners with jails to enable or enhance telehealth services to those with behavioral health disorders
- Grant Victor, CBHJ Postdoctoral fellow invited to participate in JCOIN LEAP investigator program
- Wayne State PhD student receives award for highlighting the correlation between serious mental illness and wrongful capital punishment convictions
- 'Many jails still do not do any testing.' Advocates push for more focus on Michigan jails & COVID (WXYZ-TV Detroit)
- Adoption of Virtual Services in Judicially Led Diversion Programs Preliminary Survey Findings
- CBHJ's Tamarie Willis begins new role as Re-entry Projects Manager
- CBHJ among seven recipients of grants announced by the Michigan Opioid Partnership for statewide post-overdose rapid response efforts, partnering with Calhoun County to expand PROACT program.
- CBHJ in the News (Oakland County Legal News): Review of juvenile justice system offered February 18
- Individuals with mental illness who have multiple encounters with law enforcement