News and Announcements
- December 2020 Newsletter - COVID-19 webinar series, Medicaid continuity, telehealth, and more...
- Dead Wrong: Capital Punishment, Wrongful Convictions, and Serious Mental Illness
- CBHJ hosts nationwide webinar series on mitigating COVID-19 in jail settings, first of monthly series
- 2020 holiday and end-of-year message from CBHJ director Brady Ray
- CBHJ, TBD Solutions assess Medicaid continuity for individuals incarcerated in county jails
- Detroit police working to de-escalate confrontations with the mentally ill (Bridge Michigan)
- Arresting The Spread: Fighting COVID In Jails
- Using prescribing and toxicology data to determine non-medical prescription drug overdose
- CBHJ welcomes new team members
- Social Work Spotlight: Meet Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Grant Victor
- CBHJ diversion research informs Square One Project report exploring the connections between healthcare reform and justice reform
- CBHJ project coordinator Tamarie Willis speaks on NASW-MI panel about social work advocacy in the criminal/legal system
- Mitigating COVID-19 in Jails Toolkit featured in Grand Challenges for Social Work
- CBHJ Newsletter October 2020 - COVID-19 Mitigation in County Jails, Post-Overdose Referrals, SSW Faculty Search, and more
- CBHJ in the News (The Appeal) Coronavirus in Jails and Prisons
- CBHJ and National Center for State Courts data visualization tool shows opioid overdose, sociodemographic and treatment metrics by county in the New England region
- Post-overdose referrals to treatment to increase after EMS legal representation examines lawful cross-agency data sharing
- Mental Health Identification Practices of Jails: The Unmet Needs of the "Silent" Population
- With dissemination support from the CDC foundation, CBHJ distributes toolkit of COVID-19 mitigation strategies to jails nationwide
- Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Drug Overdoses in Indianapolis
- CBHJ evaluation reports on Michigan Re-entry Project (MIREP) show positive outcomes among high-risk population
- CBHJ in the News (Police 1) Lessons learned from implementing a co-response police-mental health team
- Royal Oak chief judge Derek Meinecke discusses Operation Drive, barriers to obtaining a license with CBHJ staff during Lunch & Learn
- CBHJ in the News (BWW News) Indianapolis Recorder to Host Virtual Roundtable "The Voices of Recovery: Celebrating Connections"
- CBHJ and Michigan Mental Health Diversion Council host sixth annual Jail Diversion Summit for over 150 of Michigan's criminal/legal and behavioral health leaders