News and Announcements
- Comparing For-Profit and Nonprofit Mental Health Services in County Jails
- Social Work Grand Challenges features CBHJ's work promoting smart decarceration.
- The Use of the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Model for Corrections Officers: Reducing Incidents within a County Jail
- SAMHSA reduces barriers to new methadone patients in jail through crisis exceptions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- CBHJ In the News (Second Wave Michigan) - Leading the nation, Michigan's Opioid Treatment Ecosystems save lives through holistic model
- The Criminal/Legal Experiences of Individuals With Mental Illness Along the Sequential Intercept Model
- CBHJ In the News (ProPublica Illinois) - A Teenager Didn't Do Her Online Schoolwork. So a Judge Sent Her to Juvenile Detention.
- Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Newsletter: July 2020
- CBHJ In the News ( - In youth justice, anti-COVID-19 methods could also work in the future
- Opioid Treatment Ecosystem (OTE) July 2020 Newsletter
- Rising rates of opioid use disorder in Michigan county jail during COVID-19 pandemic demonstrate need to screen at booking
- CBHJ and Michigan Center for Youth Justice issue report on COVID-19 response in Michigan's Juvenile Justice system
- Center for Behavioral Health and Justice convenes hundreds of community partners for inaugural Opioid Treatment Ecosystem Summit
- Identification, Referral, and Services for Individuals With Serious Mental Illness Across Multiple Jails
- CBHJ In the News (Detroit Free Press) - To protect crime victims, support jail reform | Opinion
- CBHJ April 2020 Newsletter - Community of Practice Summit, Highlights, Opioid Treatment Ecosystem news, and more
- CBHJ develops support teams for jail clinicians across the state
- Opioid Treatment Ecosystem (OTE) April 2020 Newsletter
- CBHJ in the News (Spartan News Room) - Opioid treatment in jails needs 3 drugs, experts say
- CBHJ receives funding to expand telehealth capabilities in Michigan county jails
- Social Work & Nursing establish crisis hotline for Detroit metro healthcare workers & first responders fighting COVID-19
- Decreasing stigma and bias to minimize health disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Emergent Use of Remote Technologies in Secure Juvenile Justice Facilities
- CBHJ Opioid Treatment Ecosystem February 2020 Update
- Continuity of care for Opioid Use Disorder during COVID-19