News and Announcements
- Emergent Use of Remote Technologies in Jails and Prisons during the COVID-19 pandemic
- The CBHJ helps Michigan counties step up jail diversion efforts
- Innovators: Our Social Work Newsletter (WSU School of Social Work)
- CBHJ In the News (9&10 News) - Northern Michigan Counties 'Stepping Up' to Help Those Struggling with Mental Illness
- The CBHJ is working to address Michigan's Opioid Epidemic through the Treatment Ecosystem Initiative.
- Opioid Treatment Ecosystem Community of Practice Newsletter - February 2020
- CBHJ in the News (Ionia Sentinel-Standard): Prisoners with mental illness don't belong in county jail, report says.
- CBHJ in the News (MLIVE): Fewer driver's license suspensions, more mental health diversions among 18 ideas from jail task force
- Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration publishes report and recommendations
- CBHJ in the News (Grand Haven Tribune): The next frontier of criminal justice reform: County jails
- Center for Behavioral Health and Justice welcomes juvenile justice expert Terri Gilbert
- CBHJ in the News (Detroit Legal News): Too many people are locked up for too long at too high a cost
- The next frontier of criminal justice reform: County jails (The Hill)
- WSU SSW CBHJ Presents at the Humanities Brown Bag Colloquium Series
- WSU SSW Dean Sheryl Kubiak, CBHJ staff raise funds for NAMI-MI, attend NAMI Walks Detroit event on Detroit's Belle Isle
- Dean Kubiak, CBHJ participate in the Michigan Celebrate Recovery Walk and Rally
- The CBHJ presents MI-REP outcomes at the 20th Annual Substance Use Disorder and Co-Occurring Disorder Conference
- WSU SSW Center for Behavioral Health and Justice presents to the Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration during third Task Force meeting
- CBHJ Director Brad Ray interviewed by Filter Magazine on increasing Fentanyl-Meath deaths in Indiana
- Center for Behavioral Health and Justice welcomes incoming director Brad Ray from Indiana University
- Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration hosts listening session in Northern Michigan
- Michigan Mental Health Diversion Council Pilot Summit showcases promising jail diversion practices from across Michigan
- Dean Sheryl Kubiak advocating for victims inside and outside of jails as a member of the Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration
- Center for Behavioral Health and Justice explores cost of opioid addiction: the Brian Miller story
- The Center for Social Work Research is hiring students! Part-time, flexible Student Research Assistant positions available