Faculty & Staff
Jessica BestCommunications Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Heidi BissonSenior Project Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Zarria BronerProgram Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Stacey CampbellSenior Project Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Olivia CessnaProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Adria ClarkProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Brittney DavisProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Phoenix DiMauroProgram Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Will EinemanData Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Amani El-EdlebiData Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Darian FountainProgram Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Sarah FreemanCommunications Officer, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Jessica GaskinCrisis Response Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Autumn GoldProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Jenai GonzalezProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Nanci HambrickWayne County initiative Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Sophie HannaProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Kyra HarrisData Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Bethany Hedden-ClaytonAssociate Director of Training and Program Development, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Haley HicksProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Melanie HinojosaDirector of Data Administration, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Alexandria HughesProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Philip HuynhSenior Data Analyst, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Jenny KimmelAOT/Courts Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Kaitlyn KokProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Sheryl KubiakDean and Professor; Director, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Matthew LarsonAssociate Professor and Director of Implementation, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Danielle LenzSenior Project Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Rachel MayData Analyst, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Devon McCoyProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Tamara McQueenProgram Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Edita MilanovicData Team Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Javi OzunaData Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Kevin PapugaProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Karissa PelletierCrisis Response Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Megan PorathProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Todd RawlingProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Kali RickertsenProgram Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Ryan RussData Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Julia StewartAOT/Courts Innovation and Project Lead, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Meghan TaftBehavioral Health Training Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Raven ThomasProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Liz TillanderDirector of Operations, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Parker TomkinsonTreatment Ecosystems Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Nokwe-Asi WardAdministrative Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Aliya WashingtonProgram Assistant, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Larry WestProject Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Trevor WhiteheadData Analyst, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Nikayla WilliamsJail Diversion Manager, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice
Catherine ZettnerSenior Data Analyst, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice